Sunday, August 12, 2007

tap, tap, tap, this is a test...check...check

Hi. Every time I try to blog the world comes to a near end, I don't get back to it for a number of months, forget the URL, forget the password and realize that I have a blog page with one lonely entry floating in a cyber-ocean out there somewhere. Here goes another raft with another lonely entry. But Alexis has some interest in blogging so hopefully I can convince her to use this site (before I forget where it is), and then I can just ask her every few months when I want to litter the ocean.


Emily Busath Murdock said...

We're all anxiously awaiting your first real post!!!

Mary said...

I keep checking in hopes of seeing something here:) Thanks for the birthday comment. I love you.

Mitchell Family said...

I keep checking too. Ruth